REsilience coaching with Ryan BemiS, DOM

Tap into your bounce back power

Living in stressful and isolating world can disempower us, separate us from others, and cause chronic health problems.  You can’t expect society to make our loads lighter, but you can start taking steps towards your own liberation. We will meet you where you are at, and walk with you as you gain confidence to make changes in your life.

you are not alone

Dr Bemis explains Resilience Coaching

What problems Resilience coaching can help you with*

  • Addiction

  • Fear and insecurity

  • Pain

  • Chronic illness

  • Depression

  • Facing the unknown

  • Grief and letting go

  • Relationships problems

  • Loneliness

  • Trauma

  • Burnout and compassion fatigue

  • Stress and tension

*We may recommend that you see other types of health and mental health providers or attend other types of wellness activities as part of a course of care.

Cyrus, Crossroads Patient

After an absolute horror story involving western medicine, I truly lost myself and was thrown into a world of pain. I felt like a new person after the first appointment. Dr Ryan Bemis has been a huge factor on helping me get my life back.

Google Reviewer

Ryan is thoughtful, compassionate, awesome listener and he always makes me feel special, always!

Re-discover that power within

Everything you feel during an acupuncture session—calm, confidence, euphoria—is your own healing capacity coming online.  But we don’t stop there.  You'll head back into the world with simple but powerful activities to take your healthcare back into your hands.

Ryan: Your Resilience Coach

“I have found yoga, somatic release, meditation, and acupuncture to be some of the best ways to heal myself and support people in my community as we all face trauma, injustice and increasing social isolation. We’re all searching for freedom. We don’t have to do it alone. There are so many tools that can help us build resilience even in the darkest of times and places. My intention is to create safe space for you to cultivate your own inner connection, put these tools into your hands, and help you step back into your power. ” 

Tools we teach you how to do on your own

We have seen that everyone has more capacity within them to manage pain, emotional distress, and chronic illness. We will empower you with simple but powerful activities for you to take your healthcare back into your own hands. 

Meditation, breathwork & Yoga

You don’t need any prior experience. Difficulty sitting in silence? We’ll walk with you there. Targeting your needs and tuning into your limitations, Dr. Bemis will teach you how to incorporate breathwork, movement, and simple meditation and mindfulness exercises into your daily life.

Tapping & Other Tools

Retraining our minds how to talk to ourselves and access our inner forces does not have to be rocket science, nor entail years of talk therapy and psych meds. There are simple ways to take your “shadow” self, your emotions, and your old stories and turn them into your greatest teacher and motivation to for change. Think of this as a gym for your spiritual development or your mindset.

Trauma & Tension Release Exercises(TRE)

This somatic-release healing experience is something you can learn to do on your own. These will activate reflexes deep inside your nervous system and fascial system, which will allow your body to literally shake off past stories, trauma and help you rediscover yourself anew.

REsilience what?

  • You’ll get a chance to explore with Dr. Bemis the challenges and goals you have for yourself. He’ll work with you to bring tools into your daily life that will help you transform pain into potential. Acupuncture is included with every session if you choose. After, you’ll receive an integrative treatment plan and a grounded explanation of what to expect over the course of care.

  • Mindfulness:



    Tension Release Exercises



    Self acu pressure

    Self-guided visualizations

  • Talking about your problems is important. What acupuncture offers is a support for your integration of what you learn and experience at Crossroads. Acupuncture can offer you inner stillness, pain and anxiety relief, and leave you with a sense of newness. Think of it like this: The needles take all of the fruits of your sessions and let them marinate, synthesize and integrate.

  • Energized but grounded. Calm and focused. You’ll know how to use at least one simple tool to manage your challenges. We’ll walk with you as you learn how to stay calm even when the world around you is anxious.

You’ll get acupuncture…and a whole lot more

I will teach you a variety of mind-body practices that you can do on your own.  We will practice them together, and you will leave with specific steps to take in your daily life.  Sessions at our clinic in Las Cruces also include a full-body acupuncture session.

Ryan Bemis, Doctor Oriental Medicine



breaking down


to integrative healthcare

As a 501-3-c non-profit organization, Crossroads supports the growth of clinics for the homeless, for people with addictions and psychiatric problems. We also train nurses and counselors how to offer acu based care within jails, hospitals, recovery programs, refugee care, and disaster relief.